MissAdventure 4: How to Start a Career

Well, it’s been interesting to say the least and 100% qualifies for “MissAdventure” certification. In the first weeks of my newest post-university adventure I have had the pleasure of witnessing the downfall (whist being assured it is not) of a company division. Oh and yes, I am working at said division. Not exactly what I had been waiting over a year for, but if all was normal this wouldn’t be as tantalizing of a tale.
See, it appeared that my troubles would be over after the severe flash flooding I witnessed from the “least safe place to be”, listening to the emergency radio broadcast and realizing that was exactly where I was. The terror really sinks in when you look to the left and quite literally see a car… sinking… in water. Submerged. Gone.
Don’t worry, I’m still here to bring a good hearty laugh and smile to your day at my own expense. My apartment was fine thanks to my dear grandfather (thank you again!) who insisted I pour over a flood map before choosing an apartment. Ha ha water puns. Sorry, back to the story… As a wild young being facing the realities of adulthood, you don’t ever think that sort of thing is important until you see the roads covered in 4 feet of water. At least I’m one step closer to attaining the wisdom he holds.
Right! On the subject of cars, I forgot to mention the minor bump between cars which I may/or may not have been involved in and on what other day than my first day of work. We’re just going to glaze over this one until the release of my book. Was a trip to court involved? Maybe.
And here we are now. Never say never? As a wise man once told me, never is an absolute, a sure statement one cannot make. The last few weeks have been a lot for even the most seasoned misadventurer to navigate. The plan is to stay on for a while and ride the rollercoaster of life, although cling is a better verb for my current situation, I suppose.
What does a company do when they’ve dumped tens of thousands of dollars into a recruit who costs them half the price of a much more seasoned and capable employee? The whole situation defies logic to me, but apparently the answer is to get rid of the competent ones who can win more work. But what could make this better? Time for a pointless project to make work! Time for team building! Time for a “field trip”! Training the new hires to pick up as much work as possible wouldn’t make sense, we need to commit to the swift destruction of the division. Wait a second, they aren’t doing work? And so the threats begin in the emails sent at odd hours. Watch yourself, find work or you will be next!
Confused? Me too.
While the outlook is not ideal, we do have more adventures in the works. There may even be a trip to a real desert, even the equine resident left this one horse town…
For now, wish me luck!
Miss Adventure


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